The Mississippi River Rangers is a Cowboy Action Shooting™ Club affiliated with the Single Action Shooting Association (SASS) which has over 100,000 members and has affiliated clubs in every state and in several foreign countries. We have been a SASS affiliated club since 1996.



Our purpose is to engage in shooting competition using firearms of the Old West (pre- 1900), and replicas thereof. Examples include Winchester lever action rifles (Henry, 1866, 1873), Winchester 1897 and SxS shotguns, and single action pistols, including Colt 1873.

One of the unique aspects of Cowboy Action Shooting™ is that each participant is required to adopt a shooting alias appropriate to a character or profession of the late 19th century, a Hollywood western star, an appropriate character from fiction or just a fun name that has some western flair and if possible, develop a costume appropriate thereto. Regardless of a SASS member’s individual area of interest, SASS events provide regular opportunities for fellowship and fun with like-minded folks and families.

We begin each match with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. After each match, we gather on our covered patio to socialize, eat and drink. We believe that the social part of our gatherings is just as important as the shooting, as we become friends rather than associates.

Participants are men, women and children, from 10 to 80 and beyond.

Our dedicated range has ten different stages with appropriate structures, including a Riverboat, Jail, Cantina, Gallows, and a Livery Stable.

Guests with eye and ear protection are welcome to come to our matches, meet our band of cowboys and cowgirls and observe close up. The only requirement is that observers must wear eye and ear protection, just as we do. If you like what we do and want to join us, we will help you get involved.

All matches are under the competition and safety rules of the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS).

Our shooting motto is: BE SAFE – HAVE FUN!


For information about the Single Action Shooting Society, go to